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Gender: Male   Male
Race: Archangel
Abilities: Time Travel
and others abilities of Archangels
First Appearance: Where The Heart Is
Last Appearance: You Lose
Cause: Series end
Portrayed by: Anatole Taubman

Raphael was an Archangel and a recurring character in Series Two of Sky One's Hex.

Series Two[]

He first appears as a taxi driver who reminds Ella to not stray from her mission as an Anointed One, even giving her a self-harming device to keep her mind focused. He appears now and again to Ella and Leon, using psychological manipulation to serve his own agenda. He sent Leon Taylor to to the past, where where Ella Dee and Malachi had a date and reminds Ella of her mistake after she falls for Malachi and is given boils for her transgression.

After that he told Leon Taylor that he mustn't give up. Later when Leon Taylor regained Ella Dee, Raphael came into the bathroom and desperately forces himself upon Ella but she fights back, crushing his testicles and announces she is no longer serving God.
